Title: | Simple Process-Led Algorithms for Simulating Habitats |
Description: | This program calculates bioclimatic indices and fluxes (radiation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture) for use in studies of ecosystem function, species distribution, and vegetation dynamics under changing climate scenarios. Predictions are based on a minimum of required inputs: latitude, precipitation, air temperature, and cloudiness. Davis et al. (2017) <doi:10.5194/gmd-10-689-2017>. |
Authors: | Tyler W. Davis [aut] |
Maintainer: | Roberto Villegas-Diaz <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.0.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-19 04:28:34 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/villegar/splash |
This function calculates daily radiation, condensation, and evaporation fluxes.
calc_daily_evap( lat, n, elv = 0, y = 0, sf = 1, tc = 23, sw = 1, ke = 0.0167, keps = 23.44, komega = 283, kw = 0.26 )
calc_daily_evap( lat, n, elv = 0, y = 0, sf = 1, tc = 23, sw = 1, ke = 0.0167, keps = 23.44, komega = 283, kw = 0.26 )
lat |
double, decimal degrees. |
n |
double, day of year. |
elv |
double, elevation, m A.S.L.
Default: |
y |
double, year.
Default: |
sf |
double, fraction of sunshine hours.
Default: |
tc |
double, mean daily air temperature, degrees C.
Default: |
sw |
double, evaporative supply rate, mm/hr.
Default: |
ke |
double, eccentricity of earth's orbit.
Default: |
keps |
double, obliquity of earth's elliptic.
Default: |
komega |
double, lon. of perihelion, degrees
Default: |
kw |
double, PET entrainment, |
Returns a list
object with the following variables:
nu_deg ............ true anomaly, degrees
lambda_deg ........ true longitude, degrees
dr ................ distance factor, unitless
delta_deg ......... declination angle, degrees
hs_deg ............ sunset angle, degrees
ra_j.m2 ........... daily extraterrestrial radiation, J/m^2
tau ............... atmospheric transmittivity, unitless
ppfd_mol.m2 ....... daily photosyn photon flux density, mol/m^2
hn_deg ............ net radiation hour angle, degrees
rn_j.m2 ........... daily net radiation, J/m^2
rnn_j.m2 .......... daily nighttime net radiation, J/m^2
econ_m3.j ......... water to energy conversion, m^3/J
cond_mm ........... daily condensation, mm
eet_mm ............ daily equilibrium evapotranspiration, mm
pet_mm ............ daily potential evapotranspiration, mm
hi_deg ............ intersection hour angle, degrees
aet_mm ............ daily actual evapotranspiration, mm
Berger, A.L., 1978. Long-term variations of daily insolation and Quaternary climatic changes. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 35(12), pp.2362-2367. doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1978)035<2362:LTVODI>2.0.CO;2
Priestley, C.H.B. and Taylor, R.J., 1972. On the assessment of surface heat flux and evaporation using large-scale parameters. Monthly weather review, 100(2), pp.81-92. doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1972)100<0081:OTAOSH>2.3.CO;2
evap <- splash::calc_daily_evap(lat = 37.7, n = 172, elv = 142, y = 2000, sf = 1, tc = 23.0, sw = 0.9) cat(sprintf("Evaporation values:\n")) cat(sprintf(" s: %0.6f Pa/K\n", evap$s_pa.k)) cat(sprintf(" Lv: %0.6f MJ/kg\n", (1e-6) * evap$lv_j.kg)) cat(sprintf(" Patm: %0.6f bar\n", (1e-5) * evap$patm_pa)) cat(sprintf(" pw: %0.6f kg/m^3\n", evap$pw_kg.m3)) cat(sprintf(" gamma: %0.6f Pa/K\n", evap$gam_pa.k)) cat(sprintf(" Econ: %0.6f mm^3/J\n", (1e9) * evap$econ_m3.j)) cat(sprintf(" Cn: %0.6f mm\n", evap$cond_mm)) cat(sprintf(" rx: %0.6f\n", evap$rx)) cat(sprintf(" hi: %0.6f degrees\n", evap$hi_deg)) cat(sprintf(" EET: %0.6f mm\n", evap$eet_mm)) cat(sprintf(" PET: %0.6f mm\n", evap$pet_mm)) cat(sprintf(" AET: %0.6f mm\n", evap$aet_mm))
evap <- splash::calc_daily_evap(lat = 37.7, n = 172, elv = 142, y = 2000, sf = 1, tc = 23.0, sw = 0.9) cat(sprintf("Evaporation values:\n")) cat(sprintf(" s: %0.6f Pa/K\n", evap$s_pa.k)) cat(sprintf(" Lv: %0.6f MJ/kg\n", (1e-6) * evap$lv_j.kg)) cat(sprintf(" Patm: %0.6f bar\n", (1e-5) * evap$patm_pa)) cat(sprintf(" pw: %0.6f kg/m^3\n", evap$pw_kg.m3)) cat(sprintf(" gamma: %0.6f Pa/K\n", evap$gam_pa.k)) cat(sprintf(" Econ: %0.6f mm^3/J\n", (1e9) * evap$econ_m3.j)) cat(sprintf(" Cn: %0.6f mm\n", evap$cond_mm)) cat(sprintf(" rx: %0.6f\n", evap$rx)) cat(sprintf(" hi: %0.6f degrees\n", evap$hi_deg)) cat(sprintf(" EET: %0.6f mm\n", evap$eet_mm)) cat(sprintf(" PET: %0.6f mm\n", evap$pet_mm)) cat(sprintf(" AET: %0.6f mm\n", evap$aet_mm))
This function calculates daily solar radiation fluxes.
calc_daily_solar( lat, n, elv = 0, y = 0, sf = 1, tc = 23, ke = 0.0167, keps = 23.44, komega = 283, kA = 107, kalb_sw = 0.17, kalb_vis = 0.03, kb = 0.2, kc = 0.25, kd = 0.5, kfFEC = 2.04, kGsc = 1360.8 )
calc_daily_solar( lat, n, elv = 0, y = 0, sf = 1, tc = 23, ke = 0.0167, keps = 23.44, komega = 283, kA = 107, kalb_sw = 0.17, kalb_vis = 0.03, kb = 0.2, kc = 0.25, kd = 0.5, kfFEC = 2.04, kGsc = 1360.8 )
lat |
double, decimal degrees. |
n |
double, day of year. |
elv |
double, elevation, m A.S.L.
Default: |
y |
double, year.
Default: |
sf |
double, fraction of sunshine hours.
Default: |
tc |
double, mean daily air temperature, degrees C.
Default: |
ke |
double, eccentricity of earth's orbit.
Default: |
keps |
double, obliquity of earth's elliptic.
Default: |
komega |
double, lon. of perihelion, degrees
Default: |
kA |
double, empirical constant, degrees Celsius.
Default: |
kalb_sw |
double, shortwave albedo.
Default: |
kalb_vis |
double, visible light albedo.
Default: |
kb |
double, empirical constant.
Default: |
kc |
double, cloudy transmittivity.
Default: |
kd |
double, angular coefficient of transmittivity.
Default: |
kfFEC |
double, flux-to-energy conversion, umol/J.
Default: |
kGsc |
double, solar constant, W/m^2.
Default: |
Returns a list
object with the following variables:
nu_deg ............ true anomaly, degrees
lambda_deg ........ true longitude, degrees
dr ................ distance factor, unitless
delta_deg ......... declination angle, degrees
hs_deg ............ sunset angle, degrees
ra_j.m2 ........... daily extraterrestrial radiation, J/m^2
tau ............... atmospheric transmittivity, unitless
ppfd_mol.m2 ....... daily photosyn. photon flux density, mol/m^2
hn_deg ............ net radiation hour angle, degrees
rn_j.m2 ........... daily net radiation, J/m^2
rnn_j.m2 .......... daily nighttime net radiation, J/m^2
Berger, A.L., 1978. Long-term variations of daily insolation and Quaternary climatic changes. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 35(12), pp.2362-2367. doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1978)035<2362:LTVODI>2.0.CO;2
Federer, C.A., 1968. Spatial variation of net radiation, albedo and surface temperature of forests. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 7(5), pp.789-795. doi:10.1175/1520-0450(1968)007<0789:SVONRA>2.0.CO;2
Kopp, G. and Lean, J.L., 2011. A new, lower value of total solar irradiance: Evidence and climate significance. Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L01706. doi:10.1029/2010GL045777
Linacre, E.T., 1968. Estimating the net-radiation flux. Agricultural meteorology, 5(1), pp.49-63. doi:10.1016/0002-1571(68)90022-8
Meek, D.W., Hatfield, J.L., Howell, T.A., Idso, S.B. and Reginato, R.J., 1984. A generalized relationship between photosynthetically active radiation and solar radiation 1. Agronomy journal, 76(6), pp.939-945. doi:10.2134/agronj1984.00021962007600060018x
Monteith, J., and Unsworth, M., 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
Sellers, P.J., 1985. Canopy reflectance, photosynthesis and transpiration, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 6:8, 1335-1372, doi:10.1080/01431168508948283
solar <- splash::calc_daily_solar(lat = 37.7, n = 172, elv = 142, y = 2000, sf = 1, tc = 23.0) cat(sprintf("Solar values:\n")) cat(sprintf(" kn: %d\n", solar$kN)) cat(sprintf(" nu: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$nu_deg)) cat(sprintf(" lambda: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$lambda_deg)) cat(sprintf(" rho: %0.6f\n", solar$rho)) cat(sprintf(" dr: %0.6f\n", solar$dr)) cat(sprintf(" delta: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$delta_deg)) cat(sprintf(" ru: %0.6f\n", solar$ru)) cat(sprintf(" rv: %0.6f\n", solar$rv)) cat(sprintf(" rw: %0.6f\n", solar$rw)) cat(sprintf(" hs: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$hs_deg)) cat(sprintf(" hn: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$hn_deg)) cat(sprintf(" tau_o: %0.6f\n", solar$tau_o)) cat(sprintf(" tau: %0.6f\n", solar$tau)) cat(sprintf(" Qn: %0.6f mol/m^2\n", solar$ppfd_mol.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Rnl: %0.6f w/m^2\n", solar$rnl_w.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Ho: %0.6f MJ/m^2\n", (1.0e-6) * solar$ra_j.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Hn: %0.6f MJ/m^2\n", (1.0e-6) * solar$rn_j.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Hnn: %0.6f MJ/m^2\n", (1.0e-6) * solar$rnn_j.m2))
solar <- splash::calc_daily_solar(lat = 37.7, n = 172, elv = 142, y = 2000, sf = 1, tc = 23.0) cat(sprintf("Solar values:\n")) cat(sprintf(" kn: %d\n", solar$kN)) cat(sprintf(" nu: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$nu_deg)) cat(sprintf(" lambda: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$lambda_deg)) cat(sprintf(" rho: %0.6f\n", solar$rho)) cat(sprintf(" dr: %0.6f\n", solar$dr)) cat(sprintf(" delta: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$delta_deg)) cat(sprintf(" ru: %0.6f\n", solar$ru)) cat(sprintf(" rv: %0.6f\n", solar$rv)) cat(sprintf(" rw: %0.6f\n", solar$rw)) cat(sprintf(" hs: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$hs_deg)) cat(sprintf(" hn: %0.6f degrees\n", solar$hn_deg)) cat(sprintf(" tau_o: %0.6f\n", solar$tau_o)) cat(sprintf(" tau: %0.6f\n", solar$tau)) cat(sprintf(" Qn: %0.6f mol/m^2\n", solar$ppfd_mol.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Rnl: %0.6f w/m^2\n", solar$rnl_w.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Ho: %0.6f MJ/m^2\n", (1.0e-6) * solar$ra_j.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Hn: %0.6f MJ/m^2\n", (1.0e-6) * solar$rn_j.m2)) cat(sprintf(" Hnn: %0.6f MJ/m^2\n", (1.0e-6) * solar$rnn_j.m2))
This function converts a date in the Gregorian calendar to a Julian day number (i.e., a method of consecutive numbering of days—does not have anything to do with the Julian calendar!)
julian_day(y, m, i)
julian_day(y, m, i)
y |
double, year. |
m |
double, month. |
i |
double, day of month. |
valid for dates after -4712 January 1 (i.e., jde >= 0)
double, Julian day.
Meeus, J. 1991. Chapter 7 "Julian Day". Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell.
Reads all three daily input variables (sf, tair, and pn) for a single year from a CSV file that includes a header.
read_csv(fname, y = -1)
read_csv(fname, y = -1)
fname |
String, file name. |
y |
Numeric, year. |
List with the following properties:
File name.
Sunshine fraction.
Air temperature.
Number of data points.
Year of data.
Reads plain text file (no header) of one of the input arrays.
read_txt(my_data, fname, var, y = -1)
read_txt(my_data, fname, var, y = -1)
my_data |
List same as the output from |
fname |
String, file name. |
var |
String, variable name. |
y |
Numeric, year. |
List with the following properties:
File name.
Sunshine fraction.
Air temperature.
Number of data points.
Year of data.
Runs SPLASH at a single location for one day
run_one_day(lat, elv, n, y, wn, sf, tc, pn, kCw = 1.05, kWm = 150)
run_one_day(lat, elv, n, y, wn, sf, tc, pn, kCw = 1.05, kWm = 150)
lat |
double, decimal degrees. |
elv |
double, elevation, m A.S.L.
Default: |
n |
double, day of year. |
y |
double, year.
Default: |
wn |
double, daily soil moisture content, mm (wn). |
sf |
double, fraction of sunshine hours.
Default: |
tc |
double, mean daily air temperature, degrees C.
Default: |
pn |
double, daily precipitation, mm/day. |
kCw |
double, supply constant, mm/hr.
Default: |
kWm |
double, soil moisture capacity, mm.
Default: |
List with the following components:
ho .......... daily solar irradiation, J/m2
hn .......... daily net radiation, J/m2
ppfd ........ daily PPFD, mol/m2
cond ........ daily condensation water, mm
eet ......... daily equilibrium ET, mm
pet ......... daily potential ET, mm
aet ......... daily actual ET, mm
wn .......... daily soil moisture, mm
ro .......... daily runoff, mm
Cramer, W. and Prentice, I.C., 1988. Simulation of regional soil moisture deficits on a European scale. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 42(2-3), pp.149–151. doi:10.1080/00291958808552193
Federer, C.A., 1982. Transpirational supply and demand: plant, soil, and atmospheric effects evaluated by simulation. Water Resources Research, 18(2), pp.355-362. doi:10.1029/WR018i002p00355
soil <- run_one_day(lat = 37.7, elv = 142, n = 172, y = 2000, wn = 75, sf = 1, tc = 23, pn = 5) cat(sprintf("Soil moisture (run one day):\n")) cat(sprintf(" Ho: %0.6f J/m2\n", soil$ho)) cat(sprintf(" Hn: %0.6f J/m2\n", soil$hn)) cat(sprintf(" PPFD: %0.6f mol/m2\n", soil$ppfd)) cat(sprintf(" EET: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$eet)) cat(sprintf(" PET: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$pet)) cat(sprintf(" AET: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$aet)) cat(sprintf(" Cn: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$cond)) cat(sprintf(" Wn: %0.6f mm\n", soil$wn)) cat(sprintf(" RO: %0.6f mm\n", soil$ro))
soil <- run_one_day(lat = 37.7, elv = 142, n = 172, y = 2000, wn = 75, sf = 1, tc = 23, pn = 5) cat(sprintf("Soil moisture (run one day):\n")) cat(sprintf(" Ho: %0.6f J/m2\n", soil$ho)) cat(sprintf(" Hn: %0.6f J/m2\n", soil$hn)) cat(sprintf(" PPFD: %0.6f mol/m2\n", soil$ppfd)) cat(sprintf(" EET: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$eet)) cat(sprintf(" PET: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$pet)) cat(sprintf(" AET: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$aet)) cat(sprintf(" Cn: %0.6f mm/d\n", soil$cond)) cat(sprintf(" Wn: %0.6f mm\n", soil$wn)) cat(sprintf(" RO: %0.6f mm\n", soil$ro))
Calculate daily totals updating the soil moisture until equilibrium.
spin_up(mdat, dtot)
spin_up(mdat, dtot)
mdat |
list with meteorological data (see the details section). |
dtot |
list with daily totals (see the details section). |
The list with meteorological data, mdat
, should have the
following components:
num_lines ..... double, length of meteorol. variable lists
lat_deg ....... double latitude (degrees)
elv_m ......... double, elevation (m)
year .......... double, year
sf ............ list, fraction of sunshine hours
tair .......... list, mean daily air temperature (deg. C)
pn ............ list, precipitation (mm/d)
The list with daily totals, dtot
, should have the following component:
wm ............ list, daily soil moisture (mm)
list, daily totals
daily_totals <- matrix(data = rep(0, 366), nrow = 366, ncol = 1) daily_totals <- as.data.frame(daily_totals) names(daily_totals) <- c("wn") my_file <- system.file("extdata/example_data.csv", package = "splash") my_data <- splash::read_csv(my_file, 2000) my_data$lat_deg <- 37.7 my_data$elv_m <- 142 daily_totals <- splash::spin_up(my_data, daily_totals) cat(sprintf("Spin-Up:\n")) for (i in seq(from = 1, to = my_data$num_lines, by = 1)) { if (i == 1) cat(sprintf("Day\tWn (mm)\n")) cat(sprintf("%d\t%0.6f\n", i, daily_totals$wn[i])) }
daily_totals <- matrix(data = rep(0, 366), nrow = 366, ncol = 1) daily_totals <- as.data.frame(daily_totals) names(daily_totals) <- c("wn") my_file <- system.file("extdata/example_data.csv", package = "splash") my_data <- splash::read_csv(my_file, 2000) my_data$lat_deg <- 37.7 my_data$elv_m <- 142 daily_totals <- splash::spin_up(my_data, daily_totals) cat(sprintf("Spin-Up:\n")) for (i in seq(from = 1, to = my_data$num_lines, by = 1)) { if (i == 1) cat(sprintf("Day\tWn (mm)\n")) cat(sprintf("%d\t%0.6f\n", i, daily_totals$wn[i])) }